You Become What You Think…

Mohsin Khurshid
1 min readApr 21, 2024


Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts, In the realm of personal development, there’s a timeless truth that echoes through the ages: “You become what you think.” Your thoughts are not mere fleeting whispers in the mind; they are the architects of your reality, the blueprint upon which your life is built.

Every action, every achievement, and every setback originates from the fertile soil of your thoughts. By cultivating a mindset of positivity, resilience, and determination, you pave the way for success and fulfillment. Conversely, dwelling on negativity and self-doubt only serves to erect barriers to your progress.

Embrace the power of positive thinking. Visualize your goals, believe in your abilities, and let your thoughts propel you toward greatness. Remember, you possess the extraordinary ability to shape your destiny with the thoughts you choose to nurture. So dare to dream big, think positively, and watch as the universe aligns itself to your vision. You truly become what you think.



Mohsin Khurshid

Student and writer at Islamic university of science and technology, Kashmir